Monday, December 21, 2009

Bumpy ride and late start

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” -- Albert Einstien

I am starting late, I haven't taken the GMAT test, but I really want to purse the MBA now. (I'll discuss why MBA in a separate post). I have been fiddling with prospect of pursuing an MBA for a while now, I have been plagued by my lack of decision, inability to hit the GMAT gym and most of all : good old LACK OF DISCIPLINE.
The road ahead is extremely bumpy and my preparation is extremely shallow, to say the least. After a lot of introspection, I have realised that the MBA is the next logical step to further my career, which, sadly has come to a grinding halt recently. With raw ambition and a lack of preparation, I have finally chosen the path, of course there will be many obstacles along the way. With high hopes, I leap towards the MBA.....
