Sunday, August 23, 2015

What a waste...

Its been more than five years since I started my GMAT Prep. I've had two unpleasant endings with the GMAT exam thus far. I've been badly wounded without even fighting any battles yet. Every weekend,I make a resolve to kickstart my prep once again, my resolve wanes away with every hour I procrastinate. Now, I feel that I will never be able to climb over this hurdle.

Today, around mid Sunday morning and yet I am still procrastinating again. When will I learn ?
Am I going to walk all over my dreams of a quality business education, or am I going accomplish the seemingly impossible ? So what will it be ?

The odds are stacked against me, but I must keep my willingness to succeed alive. I have aged, my hair are thinning, falling and turning grey every minute. Every minute that I waste, I am living a compromised reality, because I haven't truly tried to succeed. Success must be baked with midnight oil, but I don't seem to turn my thoughts into action.

Today is Sunday, August 23rd  2015. More than a decade ago, in an August at another place, I felt the joys of my accomplishment. How the tides have turned, or how have I turned against myself ?
I know what is right for me, but still somehow I still fail to do it.

On a sleep deprived Sunday afternoon, I yet again make another resolve, that I shall succeed and once for all slay this GMAT.  Let the pomodoros begin, and lets take the pomodoro to 3 pomodoros in one sitting. GMAT prep has started again. 

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bumpy ride and late start

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” -- Albert Einstien

I am starting late, I haven't taken the GMAT test, but I really want to purse the MBA now. (I'll discuss why MBA in a separate post). I have been fiddling with prospect of pursuing an MBA for a while now, I have been plagued by my lack of decision, inability to hit the GMAT gym and most of all : good old LACK OF DISCIPLINE.
The road ahead is extremely bumpy and my preparation is extremely shallow, to say the least. After a lot of introspection, I have realised that the MBA is the next logical step to further my career, which, sadly has come to a grinding halt recently. With raw ambition and a lack of preparation, I have finally chosen the path, of course there will be many obstacles along the way. With high hopes, I leap towards the MBA.....
